Me-Made-May'13 Week 1

Wednesday, May 08, 2013

It's fun challenging myself to wear at least one item of handmade clothing and one handmade accessory three days per week as part of Me-Made-May'13. Here's how I've gone this week:

I had to start with my favourite top, made and lived in last winter. I haven't had much of a chance to wear it yet this year, but the cooler weather last week meant it could finally come out of my wardrobe. I wore it with a skirt I made several years ago, layered over leggings, and my handmade purple court shoes - these were the second pair of court shoes I made when studying shoemaking. 

The cool autumn weather didn't last too long, and it's been back to lovely sunny days over the weekend - perfect for walking on the beach. I wore my self-made blue cotton voile top with 3/4 length cargos, along with a pair of earrings and a bracelet that I made over summer. The earrings and bracelet are pretty hard to see in the photo above, so here's a close up below:

And finally, I finished the weekend in a self-made dress (a modified Cambie). I wore it with my handmade sandals - I made them for an assignment when I was studying shoemaking and as you can probably tell from the photo, they got a lot of wear over summer. I'll have to make a new pair for next year!



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